What is NDIS
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) provides over 500,000 people living with disability funding to access services and supports to help them to live an ordinary life, in addition to information about and connection to services and supports in their communities such as doctors, sporting clubs, support groups, libraries, and schools, as well as information about what support is provided by each state and territory government.
NDIS – What does it mean?
- National: The NDIS is a national scheme funded by both federal and state governments to provide supports and services to Australians living with permanent and significant disabilities to live an ordinary life.
- Disability: The NDIS provides support to eligible people with intellectual, physical, sensory, cognitive, and psychosocial disabilities. Early intervention supports can also be provided for eligible participants and children with developmental delay.
- Insurance: The NDIS gives all Australians peace of mind if they, their child or loved one is born with or acquires a permanent and significant disability, that they will get the support they need.
- Scheme: The NDIS is not a welfare system and is not means tested. The NDIS is designed to help people get the support they need so their skills and independence can improve over time.

To qualify for an individual support package with the NDIS, the following requirements you must:
- have a permanent disability that significantly affects your ability to take part in everyday activities
- be aged less than 65 when you first apply for the Scheme
- be Australian citizen, live in Australia and hold a permanent visa or hold a Protected Special Category Visa.
Don’t have NDIS support package yet?
Contact the National Disability Insurance Agency on 1800 800 110 to make an appointment with a Local Area Coordinator to help you apply.
Once your eligibility for NDIS is confirmed, and you have developed a plan, you can choose Aucare to coordinate and/or deliver the supports and services you have been funded for.

Already have a plan?
Then what are you waiting for! Call us on 07 3191 0648 today to put your plan into action with us!
Our NDIS services

Community participation and social interaction
- Assist with shopping and attending appointments
- Companion care
- Assist with community access and social interaction

Household tasks
- Meal preparation
- Domestic assistance
- Light gardening duties

Life skill development
- Using & Communicating with technology
- Public transport training
- Skills for living in your own home

Daily tasks in shared living (SIL)
- 24/7 Support with daily living tasks in share living environment
- Support in residential aged care
- Support in a group home setting

Respite (STA) or assisted holiday
- Support in respite home
- Support clients to enjoy a holiday

Assistance with personal care
- Low care needs such as showering, grooming and other daily living tasks
- High care needs such as catheter care, continence care, and pressure area care

Support coordination or case management
- Support connection, coordination of supports
- Assistance with accommodation and tenancy obligations
- Life transition planning including mentoring, peer support and individual skill development
- Assistance with decision making, daily planning, budgeting
- Assistance with purchasing low AT equipment and home modification

Community nursing care
- Catheter care, wound dressing, peg feeding, palliative care
- Medication management and administration
- Nursing assessments including continence, cognitive and other nursing assessments
- Nursing care plan development and review
- Referrals to health professionals
- On call duties to support carers during business hours and after hours

Early Childhood Support
- Skill development
- Early intervention

Assistance with travel and transport
- Assist to travel to community locations
- Assist with travel arrangement

Group/Centre activities
- Kids play group, art and craft group
- Skill development group activities